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British Airmen - Dozinghem Military Cemetery

There are twenty British Airmen buried here.

Grave I.H.20 Lieutenant Noel Martin Pizey. Royal 1st Devon Yeomanry attached 57 Squadron, RFC. Age 18. KIA 29.7.17. Son of John Martin Pizey and Alice Pizey, of Longford House, Cotham Side, Bristol. Observer flying in a DH4 on a bombing operation. Shot in the heart. The pilot, 2nd Lt A.C.S.Irwin, was wounded in the foot.

Grave II.A.I Lieutenant Rennie Alexander Airth. 8th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment attached 7 Squadron RFC. Age 23. DoW 29.7.17, shot in the back. Flying in an R.E.8 on an artillery observation patrol. Son of George Rennie Airth and Alice Pemberton Airth.

Grave XII.B.24 Lieutenant George John Bakewell. 6th Battalion Border Regiment attached 21 Squadron RFC. Age 27. DoI 16.11.17. Son of George Bakewell, of Emscote Road, Warwick. Husband of Elsie Lilian Bakewell, Rose Villa, The Saltisford, Warwick. He was the observer of R.E.8, A4652, on an artillery observation patrol near Ypres. He died of his injuries sustained when the aircraft crashed. The pilot, 2nd Lt W A Barnett, age 19, died of his wounds and is buried at Duhallow ADS Cemetery, Grave II.C.5. They were shot down by Leutnant Julius Buckler of Jasta 17.

The Ypres Salient, Battlefields Belgium, World War 1
Julius Buckler

Leutnant Julius Buckler - Buckler's father was a roofer, and Buckler followed him into the family trade. At 15 years of age, Buckler had an interest in architecture and worked for Anthony Fokker but left in 1913 to join the Infantry Life Regiment 117. After suffering a bad wound on the Western Front in September 1914, he applied for a transfer to the German Army Air Service. He joined Jasta 17 as a Vizefeldwebel in late 1916 having won an Iron Cross 1st Class. He was wounded four times in 1917, on 17 July, 12 August, 13 and 30 November the last included being wounded in both arms and the chest and crashed his aircraft from 800 metres breaking both arms. When he received the Pour le Merite on 4 December 1917, his score stood at 30. He had also received the Golden Military Merit Cross on 12 November and promoted to Leutnant on 18 November, that day he claimed three victories. While in hospital recovering from the wounds received on 30 November, he received the Blue Max. Following his recovery from his wounds he returned to Jasta 17 and had two aircraft placed at his disposal which he named ‘Lilly’ and ‘Mops’. He recorded three more victories and was wounded again in the left ankle on 6 May 1918, this put him in hospital for eight weeks and while there was awarded the Golden Wound Badge. On returning to Jasta 17 he was made Staffelfuhrer on 22 September increasing his score to 35 with a possible unconfirmed 36th victory. Julius Buckler died in Berlin on 23 May 1960 age 66.

Grave XV.F.19 2nd Lieutenant Charles Wilson Cameron. 21 Squadron, RFC. Age 25. KIA 18.12.17. Son of Charles and Jeanie Cameron, of 11, Randolph Gardens, Broomhill, Glasgow. Grave XV.F.20 2nd Lieutenant Frederick Geoffrey Flower. 21 Squadron, RFC. Age 23. KIA 18.12.17. Son of Frederick William and Caroline Decima Flower, of Rua dos Queimados 18/20, Villa-Nova-de-Gaya, Portugal. Born at Oporto, Portugal. Served as Cpl. in 103rd Bde. Canadian Garrison Artillery. His brother Alfred Chegwin Flower also fell.

They were flying in an R.E.8 on an artillery observation patrol. Flower as pilot and Cameron as observer. They were shot down in flames near Zonnebeke by Leutnant Hans Gottfried von Haebler of Jasta 36.

Hans von Haebler was shot down by anti-aircraft fire over Bapaume in March 1918. He had landed his aircraft, a Fokker DR1, virtually intact within the British lines and was shot while trying to set it on fire and died of his wounds the next day. It was designated by the British G.158. Hans von Haebler had eight victories and had been awarded the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class, the Knight’s Cross of the Hohenzollern House Order, Knight 2nd Class with Swords of both the Merit and Albert Orders as well as the Knight’s Cross of the Saxon Military St Henry Order.

Grave III.F.1 Lieutenant John Elbridge Cobb. Army Service corps attached 21 Squadron RFC. Observer. Age 20. DoI received in crash on take-off. Eldest son of Mr. John and Helen Austin Cobb, Richmond, Surrey. On August 14th, shortly after he and his Pilot had started, their machine crashed owing to engine failure. The Pilot escaped with a broken jaw, but Lieutenant Cobb received injuries to the head from which he died without recovering consciousness. His promotion to full Lieutenant, July 1st, 1917, was gazetted on October 1st. His CO in the A.S.C wrote to his parents: ‘Whilst with us your boy had endeared himself with us all. I always had a very high opinion of him and, had he only been spared, I know he would have done very well in his profession.’ His Squadron CO wrote to his parents that: ‘His death is a great loss to the Squadron as he was a thoroughly good observer and very popular with everyone.’

Grave II.F.19 Captain Stuart Le Geyt Cutler. Horse Transport Army Service corps attached 21 Squadron RFC. Observer. Age 23. KIA 9.8.17. Son of Major and Mrs. J. F. Cutler, Queen Street, St. Heliers, Jersey.

Grave XV.C.9 Lieutenant Alexander Charles Nicholas March Phillips De Lisle. 9th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment attached 21 Squadron RFC. Age 20. KIA 20.11.17. Youngest son of the late Edwin Joseph Lisle March Phillipps de Lisle, M.P, D.L., F.S.A., and Agnes Henriette March Phillipps de Lisle. He had been wounded in 1915 and 1916. On 20 November he was flying in an RE8, piloted by Lieutenant SM Goodeve a Canadian, on an artillery observation patrol over Ypres when their aircraft was hit by a shell and crashed. Both were killed. Grave XV.C.11 Lieutenant Stuart Marcon Goodeve. Son of Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Goodeve, of Ottawa.

Grave XI.A.20 Lieutenant Andrew Johnston. Royal Field Artillery attached 21 Squadron RFC. Observer. Age 20. KIA 30.10.17. From Halesworth, Suffolk. Grave XI.A.19 2nd Lieutenant Lewis Hayes Whitfield. 21 Squadron RFC. Pilot. Age 19. KIA 30.10.17. Both are as listed as ‘Killed while Flying.’

Grave XIV.G.13 Lieutenant D.D.A. Mackay.70 Squadron RAF. Age 25. KIA 14.10.18. Son of Elizabeth Mackay, 45 Bonnymuir Place, Aberdeen. Flying a Sopwith Camel, F1940, on a low bombing and offensive patrol. He was shot down near Houthulst Forest by Leutnant zur See Reinhold Poss of Marine-Feld Jagdstaffel IV.

Ypres Salient, Battlefields Belgium, WW1,
Reinhold Poss. Photo taken in 1932

Leutnant zur See Reinhold Poss - He took command of the newly created Jagdstaffel IV in September 1918. He had eleven victories. He was to be shot down himself on 15 October and taken prisoner. He had been shot down once before in a fight with a Sopwith Camel on 30 July 1918 and made a forced landing near Mariakerke. He was killed in 1933 in a flying accident at Hagenow when he flew into a church steeple. He is buried in the Parkfriedhof, Berlin-Lichterfelde.

Grave V.E.4 2nd Lieutenant Edmund Taylor. 23 Squadron RFC. Age 25. DoW 26.9.17. Son of Harry and Mary Mitchell Taylor, 104 Tenth Avenue West, Vancouver, British Columbia. Native of Bradford, Yorks, England. He joined 23 Squadron on 28 August from 54 Training Squadron. He was flying a SPAD over Becelaere when he was shot up and wounded. He crashed in the British lines.

Ypres Salient, Battlefields Belgium, WW1
Kurt Wusthoff

The victory was claimed by Leutnant Kurt Wusthoff of Jasta 4. Having been promoted to Vizefeldwebel he was posted to Jasta 4 in June 1917. Here he was awarded the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class, Knight’s Cross with Swords of the Royal Hohenzollern House Order. He was promoted to Leutnant on 1 August 1917 and was awarded the Pour le Merite on 26 November. He was acting commanded of Jasta 4 in mid-December and he made permanent Staffelfuhrer from 22 February 1918. He was posted to the staff of JGI on 16 March and he took command of Jasta 15 in JGII on 16 June. At this point his victory score stood at 27.He was shot down on 17 June and by aircraft from 24 and 23 Squadrons and wounded in both legs. He spent time in a French hospital, released in 19120, and then in a German hospital in Dresden for two years. After this he could walk again unaided. He was injured in a crash while undertaking aerobatics at a fund-raising event for Max Immelmann in Dreden on 18 July 1926. He died five days later.

Grave XI.H.12 43670 Air Mechanic 1st Class Ralph Phoebus Thimann. 9 Squadron RFC. Age 20. DoW 12.10.17. Son of Mrs. M. K. Thimann, of "The Chase," Manor Drive, Wembley Park. His father, a Minister of the Congregational Church, had died leaving his widow. They were naturalized British subjects, originally from Lemberg, Galicia, part of the Austrian Empire. On leaving school Ralph worked as an apprentice analytical chemist before being called up.

Grave I.B.7 49099 Serjeant P Rudd. 21 Squadron RFC. Age 29. DoI 29.6.17. He died of accidental injuries. Son of Henry and Marie Rudd, 179, Chorley New Road., Bolton.

Grave III.F.9 9038 Air Mechanic 2nd Class Latham Frank Rowe. 3rd Brigade RFC attached to D/74 Battery, RFA. Age 18. DoW 14.8.17. Son of Frank and Ada Rowe, 59 The Vale, Acton, London.

Grave V.C.24 2nd Lieutenant Arthur John Powney. 9 Squadron RFC. Observer. Age 28. KIA 15.9.17. Son of Albert and Louisa Powney, 58 Langdon Park Road, Highgate, London. He was flying in a R.E.8. B765, on an artillery observation patrol when he was wounded in the abdomen. The aircraft was shot down west of the British lines near Irish Farm. The pilot, 2nd Lt WGC Hackman, was uninjured.

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