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British Airmen - Torreken Farm Cemetery No.1

Grave C.6 2nd Lieutenant Paul John Rodocanachi. Pilot. 53 Squadron RFC. Age 19. KIA 27.7.17. Son of Nettie Hulme King (formerly Rodocanachi), of Park Farm, Holbrook, Horsham, Sussex, and the late John Matthew Rodocanachi. Grave C.5 2nd Lieutenant Norman Lindley Watt. Observer. 1st King Edward’s Horse attached 53 Squadron RFC. KIA 27.7.17. They were flying in an RE8, A4303, on an artillery ranging flight over the Messines Ridge when they were shot down by Leutnant E Hess of Jasta 28. Rodocanachi was killed in the action and the plane was landed by a wounded Watt, he later died of his wounds. The plane was wrecked on landing.

Torreken Farm Cemetery No.1. Ypres Salient. Battlefields Belgium. Flanders
Leutnant Ernst Hess Jasta 28

Leutnant Ernst Hess - credited with 17 confirmed and four unconfirmed aerial victories. Hess was one of a few World War I pilots involved in aviation prewar, as he gained his civil pilot's license on 26 September 1913. He was already enrolled in Die Fliegertruppen (The Flying Troops) of the Imperial German Army when World War I began. He qualified for his military pilot's license on 21 November 1914, and was one of Germany's first fighter pilots. He would score his first aerial victory in tandem with Oswald Boelcke on 5 January 1916. He went on to record a dozen victories between July to September 1917 while flying an Albatros D.Va with Jasta 28. On 19 September 1917, he was promoted to command of Jasta 19. He had just been appointed to command of a fighter group being formed by Germany's First Army shot down east of Frenes by Adjutant De Kergolay of Escadrille N.96 in a Nieuport on 23 December 1917. This was his first victory. Hess was awarded the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class in October 1917 and the Knight’s Cross with Swords of the Hohenzollern House Order on 5 December 1917. He is buried in Wiesbaden.

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