277409 Private
7th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, 154th Infantry Brigade, 51st (Highland) Division
Age: 28
Date of Death: 13.7.17
Buried: Essex Farm Cemetery III.H.29
Family history: Husband of Margaret and they lived at 151 Graham’s Road, Falkirk. Prior to enlisting on 24 August 1914, he was employed as a moulder at Laurieston Iron Works. He landed in France on 2 May 1915.
The action leading to his death
On the 12 July the Battalion relieved the 9th Royal Scots in the line at Turco Farm. On the 13 July they were subjected to enemy shell, mortar and gas attacks, reporting in the War Diary that this was a new form of gas that caused ‘violent sneezing’. The War Diary recorded ‘1 OR killed’ this was Hugh.

His Company officer wrote to his wife that: ‘Private Lyon was a great favourite with all the other men, by whom he is deeply missed. Everything I have heard redounds to the praise of your husband, who was as efficient in duty as he was popular as a comrade.’

Medals Awarded:
The British War Medal, Victory Medal.
