The Menin Gate is one of four memorials to the missing in Belgian Flanders which cover the area known as the Ypres Salient. Broadly speaking, the Salient stretched from Langemarck in the north Ploegsteert Wood in the south, but it varied in area and shape throughout the war.
The Memorial is on the site of the old Hangoart or Antwerp Gate. It is possible to walk along the ramparts to the Lille Gate some 800 yards away. The ramparts were built, upon the original fortifications dating from the Twelfth Century, by Vauban who was the military architect of Louis XIV. The casements beneath the ramparts were some of the safest places in Ypres during the War. The ‘Wipers Times’ was printed in one of the casements while others housed bedrooms, a signal HQ, and a cinema.
The Salient was formed during the First Battle of Ypres in October and November 1914, when a small British Expeditionary Force succeeded in securing the town before the onset of winter, pushing the German forces back to the Passchendaele Ridge. The Second Battle of Ypres began in April 1915 when the Germans released poison gas into the Allied lines north of Ypres. This was the first time gas had been used by either side and the violence of the attack forced an Allied withdrawal and a shortening of the line of defence.
There was little more significant activity on this front until 1917, when in the Third Battle of Ypres an offensive was mounted by Commonwealth forces to divert German attention from a weakened French front further south. The initial attempt in June to dislodge the Germans from the Messines Ridge was a complete success, but the main assault north-eastward, which began at the end of July, quickly became a dogged struggle against determined opposition and the rapidly deteriorating weather. The campaign finally came to a close in November with the capture of Passchendaele.
The German offensive of March 1918 met with some initial success but was eventually checked and repulsed in a combined effort by the Allies in September.
The battles of the Ypres Salient claimed many lives on both sides and it quickly became clear that the commemoration of members of the Commonwealth forces with no known grave would have to be divided between several different sites.
The site of the Menin Gate was chosen because of the hundreds of thousands of men who passed through it on their way to the battlefields. It commemorates casualties from the forces of Australia, Canada, India, South Africa and United Kingdom who died in the Salient. In the case of United Kingdom casualties, only those prior 16 August 1917 (with some exceptions). United Kingdom and New Zealand servicemen who died after that date are named on the memorial at Tyne Cot, a site which marks the furthest point reached by Commonwealth forces in Belgium until nearly the end of the war. New Zealand casualties that died prior to 16 August 1917 are commemorated on memorials at Buttes New British Cemetery and Messines Ridge British Cemetery.
On the evening of the inauguration of the Gate the Last Post was sounded by buglers from the Somerset Light Infantry, and the Ypres Fire Brigade then took over the ceremony. The Last Post has been sounded at 8pm every evening, except the four years of German occupation in WWII.

The memorial, designed by Sir Reginald Blomfield with sculpture by Sir William Reid-Dick, was unveiled by Lord Plumer on 24 July 1927.
Memorial Location
Ypres (now Ieper) is a town in the Province of West Flanders. The Memorial is situated at the eastern side of the town on the road to Menin (Menen) and Courtrai (Kortrijk). Each night at 8 pm the traffic is stopped at the Menin Gate while buglers of the Last Post Association sound the Last Post in the roadway under the Memorial's arches. For more information on the Last Post Association please check their website: www.lastpost.be

(Linesman Map)
He is not missing, he is here!
Blomfield’s concept may be an imperial monument first and a memorial to the missing second, but it is a very effective reminder, as the inscription on the monument states, ‘To the Armies of the British Empire who stood here from 1914 to 1918 and to those of their dead who have no known grave.’ The arch, stemming from Blomfield’s admiration of the Roman style of triumphal arches, of the memorial is surmounted by a massive lion Blomfield called it ‘a symbol of our latent strength and heroism of our race’ and facing the town of Ypres a sarcophagus draped with a flag and surmounted by a wreath symbolising to the people of Ypres the sacrifice made. With work progressing and a projected completion date of May 1927 attention turned to the official inauguration. However, last minute delays on the site meant that the inauguration would have to be postponed to July. Both the King and Haig could not perform the ceremony but Field Marshal Plumer, President of the Ypres League could. The invitations were issued and preparations got underway. Barricades, flagpoles and loudspeakers were erected. Some 6,000 people could be accommodated standing in the vicinity of the memorial with priority given to relatives of the missing or those representing units who had served in the Salient. All the preparations were now in place for the inauguration on 24 July 1927 the BBC broadcasting events back to Britain. At 10am Plumer led the King of the Belgians and various other dignitaries in procession to the Menin Gate. There was a succession of speeches, Christian dedication, hymns and the crowds fell silent for the Last Post played by the 2nd Somerset Light Infantry and the piper from the 1st Scots Guards played the lament Flowers of the Forest. In his address Plumer spoke the immortal line ‘He is not missing, he is here!’

In July and August 1928, 23,000 people signed the visitors book and in 1937, some 60,000. A special guardian had to be employed to help people find the name of a relative and to keep initial scratchers and souvenir hunters from damaging the monument. In 1928, leading citizens, led by the Commissioner of Police, arranged for the Last Post to be sounded nightly at the Menin Gate. To this day, apart from the German occupation in WWII, organised by the Last Post Association as a tribute to the British dead, the Last Post and Reveille is sounded each night at 8pm by the local fire brigade at the Menin Gate.
Victoria Cross holders commemorated here
There are seven men who won the V.C. in world War I and one other from the Boer War commemorated here.
24066 Lance- Corporal Frederick Fisher, 13th Battalion, Quebec Regiment (Royal Highlanders of Canada), 3rd Canadian Brigade, 1st Canadian Division. Age 22. Died 24 April 1915. Panel 24 - 26 - 28 – 30 He won his V.C. at St Julian on 23 April 1915. He was the son of Mr. W. H. Fisher, of 100, Fort St., Montreal. An extract from "The London Gazette," No. 29202, dated 22nd June 1915, records the following:-"On 23rd April 1915, in the neighbourhood of St. Julien, he went forward with the machine gun, of which he was in charge, under heavy fire, and most gallantly assisted in covering the retreat of a battery, losing four men of his gun team. Later, after obtaining four more men, he went forward again to the firing line and was himself killed while bringing his machine gun into action under very heavy fire, in order to cover the advance of supports." 1539 Company Sergeant-Major Frederick William Hall, 8th Battalion, Manitoba Regiment, 2nd Canadian Brigade, 1st Canadian Division. Age 28. Died 28 April 1915. Panel 24 - 26 - 28 – 30. He won his V.C. at Ypres. He was the son of Mary Hall, of 43, Union Rd., Leytonstone, London, and the late Bmdr. F. Hall. An extract from "The London Gazette," No. 29202, dated 23rd June 1915, records the following:- "On 24th April 1915, in the neighbourhood of Ypres, when a wounded man who was lying some 15 yards from the trench called for help, Company Serjeant-Major Hall endeavoured to reach him in the face of a very heavy enfilade fire which was being poured in by the enemy. The first attempt failed, and a non-commissioned officer and private soldier who were attempting to give assistance were both wounded. Company Serjeant-Major Hall then made a second most gallant attempt and was in the act of lifting up the wounded man to bring him in when he fell mortally wounded in the head." 2nd Lieutenant Dennis George Wyldbore Hewitt, 2nd Hampshire Regiment attached 14th (1st Portsmouth Pals) Hampshire Regiment, 116th Brigade, 39th Division. Age 19. Died 31 July 1917. Panel 35. The son of the late Hon. George Hewitt and the Hon. Mrs. G. Hewitt, of Field House, Hursley, Winchester. An extract from The London Gazette, No. 30284, dated 14th Sept. 1917, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty when in command of a company in attack. When his first objective had been captured he reorganized the company and moved forward towards his objective. While waiting for the barrage to lift, he was hit by a piece of shell, which exploded the signal lights in his haversack and set fire to his equipment and clothes. Having extinguished the flames, in spite of his wound and the severe pain he was suffering, he led forward the remains of the company under very heavy machine gun fire and captured and consolidated his objective. He was subsequently killed by a sniper while inspecting the consolidation and encouraging his men. This gallant officer set a magnificent example of coolness and contempt of danger to the whole battalion, and it was due to his splendid leading that the final objective of his battalion was gained." Lieutenant Hugh McKenzie, D.C.M. V.C., 7th Company, Canadian Machine Gun Corps, 7th Canadian Brigade, 3rd Canadian Division. Age 30. Died 30 October 1917. Panel 32. Croix de Guerre (France). Son of the late Mrs. Jane McDonald McKenzie, of 23, James St., Dundee, Scotland. An extract from "The London Gazette," No. 30523, dated 12th Feb. 1918, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery and leading when in charge of a section of four machine guns accompanying the infantry in an attack. Seeing that all the officers and most of the non-commissioned officers of an infantry company had become casualties, and that the men were hesitating before a nest of enemy machine guns, which were on commanding ground and causing them severe casualties, he handed over command of his guns to an N.C.O., rallied the infantry, organised an attack, and captured the strong point. Finding that the position was swept by machine-gun fire from a ' pill-box ' which dominated all the ground over which the troops were advancing, Lt. McKenzie made a reconnaissance and detailed flanking and frontal attacking parties which captured the 'pill-box', he himself being killed while leading the frontal attack. By his valour and leadership this gallant officer ensured the capture of these strong points and so saved the lives of many men and enabled the objectives to be attained." Captain John Franks Vallentin, 1st Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, 22nd Brigade, 7th Division. Age 32. Died 7 November 1914. Panel 35 and 37. The son of Lucy Vallentin, of 116, Albert Place Mansions, Battersea Park, London, and the late Grimble Vallentin. An extract from "The London Gazette," No. 29073, dated 16th Feb. 1915, records the following:- "For conspicuous bravery on 7th Nov., at Zillebeke. When leading the attack against the Germans under a very heavy fire he was struck down, and on rising to continue the attack was immediately killed. The capture of the enemy's trenches which followed was in a great measure due to the confidence which the men had in their Captain, arising from his many previous acts of great bravery and ability." 7602 Private Edward Warner, 1st Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment, 15th Brigade, 5th Division. Age 32. Died 2 May 1915. Panel 31 and 33. He won his V.C. at Hill 60 on 1 May 1915. The son of the late Mark and Charlotte M. Warner. An extract from the London Gazette, No. 29210, dated 29th June 1915, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery near ' Hill 60 ' on 1st May 1915. After Trench 46 had been vacated by our troops, consequent on a gas attack, Private Warner entered it single-handed in order to prevent the enemy taking possession. Reinforcements were sent to Private Warner but could not reach him owing to the gas. He then came back and brought up more men, by which time he was completely exhausted, but the trench was held until the enemy's attack ceased. This very gallant soldier died shortly afterwards from the effects of gas poisoning." 2nd Lieutenant Sidney Clayton Woodroffe, 8th Battalion, Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort’s Own), attached 2nd Rifle Brigade, 41st Brigade, 14th (Light) Division. Age 19. Died 30 July 1915. Panel 46 - 48 and 50. He won his V.C. at Hooge. Educated at Marlborough. The son of Henry L. and Clara Woodroffe, of Thorpewood, Branksome Av., Bournemouth. His brothers Kenneth and Leslie also fell. An extract from "The London Gazette," No. 29286, dated 3rd Sept. 1915, records the following :- "For most conspicuous bravery on 30th July 1915, at Hooge. The enemy having broken through the centre of our front trenches, consequent on the use of burning liquids, this Officer’s position was heavily attacked with bombs from the flank and subsequently from the rear, but he managed to defend his post until all his bombs were exhausted, and then skilfully withdrew his remaining men. This very gallant Officer immediately led his party forward in a counter-attack under an intense rifle and machine gun fire and was killed whilst in the act of cutting the wire obstacles in the open." Captain (later Brigadier-General) Charles Fitzclarence, Staff (Late of the Royal Fusiliers and Irish Guards), Commanding 1st Brigade, 1st Division. Age 49. Died 12 November 1914. Panel 3. He won his V.C. in South Africa in 1899. Husband of Mrs. V. FitzClarence, of 12, Lowndes St., Belgrave Square, London. At "the most critical moment" of the Battles of Ypres, 1914 (on the 31st October), he directed the counter-attack of the 2nd Worcesters which recaptured Gheluvelt. An extract taken from "The London Gazette," dated 6th July 1900, records the following:- "On the 14th October 1899, Captain Fitzclarence went with his squadron of the Protectorate Regiment, consisting of only partially trained men, who had never been in action, to the assistance of an armoured train which had gone out from Mafeking. The enemy were in greatly superior numbers, and the squadron was for a time surrounded, and it looked as if nothing could save them from being shot down. Captain Fitzclarence, however, by his personal coolness and courage inspired the greatest confidence in his men, and, by his bold and efficient handling of them, not only succeeded in relieving the armoured train, but inflicted a heavy defeat on the Boers, who lost 50 killed and a large number wounded. The moral effect of this blow had a very important bearing on subsequent encounters with the Boers." "On the 27th October 1899, Captain Fitzclarence led his squadron from Mafeking across the open and made a night attack with the bayonet on one of the enemy's trenches. A hand-to-hand fight took place in the trench, while heavy fire was concentrated on it from the rear. The enemy was driven out with heavy loss. Captain Fitzclarence was the first man into the position and accounted for four of the enemy with his sword. The British lost 6 killed and 9 wounded. Captain Fitzclarence was himself slightly wounded. With reference to these two actions, Major-General Baden-Powell states that had his Officer not shown an extraordinary spirit and fearlessness the attacks would have been failures, and we should have suffered heavy loss both in men and prestige. On the 26th December 1899, during the action at Game Tree, near Mafeking, Captain Fitzclarence again distinguished himself by his coolness and courage and was again wounded (severely through both legs)."
Four of the Twelve Poets of the Ypres Salient are listed here
Lieutenant Walter Scott Stuart Lyon, 9th Battalion Royal Scots, Age 28, Killed 8 May 1915. Menin Gate Memorial Panel 11
Captain The Honourable Colwyn Erasmus Arnold Phillips, Royal Horse Guards, Age 26, Killed 13 May 1915. Menin Gate Memorial Panel 3
Lieutenant Gerald George Samuel, 10th Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment, Age 31, Killed 7 June 1917. Menin Gate Memorial Panel 45
Lieutenant John Collinson Hobson, 12th Battalion Royal Scots attached 116th Company, Machine Gun Corps (Infantry), Age 23, Killed 31 July 1917. Menin Gate Memorial Panel 56
There is One MP and Five Son's of MPs Commemorated Here
Member of Parliament
Son's of MPs
They are listed by Regiment, Panel number and the town in which they lived. There are the names of 163 men listed on the Memorial.
Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Panel 42 to 44
2707 Pte Charles Bryce
7th Battalion
Age 22
Son of Mr & Mrs Alexander Bryce, 9 Firs Street
S/1816 Pte David Burt
10th Battalion
S/2647 Pte John Dow
10th Battalion
2076 Pte James Duchart
1/7th Battalion
Age 16
Son of Alexander & Elizabeth Sorley Duchart, 16 Church Square, Grahamston
2824 Pte Robert Dunsmuir
'B' Coy 1/7th Battalion
Age 27
Son of Robert & Isabella Dunsmuir, 19 Bank Street, Falkirk
S/5964 Arthur N Gillespie
10th Battalion
Age 24
Son of David & Agnes Gillespie, 16 Boyd Street & husband of Maggie Jamieson (formerly Gillespie) 220 Wallace Street
10311 Pte John Gray
1st Battalion
8896 Sgt James Hardie
'H' Coy, 1st Battalion
Age 28
Son of James & Elizabeth Hardie, Bridgend, Bridge of Allan. Husband of Rhoda Amelia Hardie, 45 Newton Rd, Faversham, Kent
2188 Pte William Marshall Harley
‘A’ Company, 1/7th Battalion
Age 20
Son of Margaret Harley of 15 Victoria Road, Falkirk. Brother, Charles, served in the Royal Scots Fusiliers
S/1573 Pte John McDonald
10th Battalion
2863 Pte John McIntyre
1/7th Battalion
S/4851 James Miller
11th Battalion
6521 Pte William Moir
1st Battalion
2364 L/Cpl Robert Murray
1/7th Battalion
Age 21
Son of William & Annie McGregor Murray, 9 St Crispin's Place, Stenhousemuir
2883 Pte Andrew Rule
1/7th Battalion
Age 26
The son of Henry and Elizabeth Rule, 37 Kerse Lane, Falkirk. He was married to Hannah Rule and they lived at 37 Kerse Lane, Falkirk with their two children Henry and Margaret.
3466 Pte James Smellie
1st Battalion
S/6632 Pte Alexander Sneddon
11th Battalion
Age 22
Son of John and Mary Sneddon, of 26, Blackbrase Rows, Falkirk
2612 Pte James Stocks
1/7th Battalion
Brother of Mrs. Sarah A. Walker, of 10, Abercrombie St., Camelon, Falkirk
1129 Pte James Burnside
1st Battalion
Age 23
Son of Walter & Isabella Burnside, 13 Main Street
2720 Pte John Crosby
1/7th Battalion
Age 18
Son of James & Flora Crosby, 35A Forganhall, Bankside, Falkirk
2541 Pte James Gordon
1/7th Battalion
Age 24
Son of James & Margaret Gordon, 114 Main Street
2841 L/Cpl Thomas Henderson
1/7th Battalion
Age 33
Son of the late James & Elizabeth Henderson. Husband of Elizabeth Fleming Henderson, 127 Mungalhead Road
Carron & Carronshore
1672 L/Cpl John Clark
2nd Battalion
Age 20
Son of John Clark & the late Annie Clark, 8 Millflats, Carron Rd
2334 L/Cpl James Huskie
'B' Coy 7th Battalion
Age 32
Son of James & Catherine Huskie, Flesher's Close, Carronshore
2346 John Kilpatrick
'A' Coy 7th Battalion
Age 19
Son of John & Margaret Kilpatrick, 545 Brown Terrace, Carron Rd
1331 Pte William Lindsay
'A' Coy 7th Battalion
Age 22
Son of William & Isabella Lindsay, 110 Gairdoch Street, Carron Rd,
2018 Pte John James Wilson
'A' Coy 7th Battalion
Age 19
1839 Daniel Aitken
1/7th Battalion
Age 20
Eldest son of James and Christina Aitken, 38 Stewartfield Place, Main Street, Larbert
2541 James Gordon
9th (Service) Battalion
Age 24
Son of James & Margaret Gordon, Barnhill, Cumbernauld, brother of Maggie, Ann, William, Francis, Agnes, Jane & George. Father James Gordon Kirkwood
276949 Pte Thomas Brown Miller
1/7th Battalion
Age 31
Son of John & Mary Miller, Gilmerton, Larbert
Lt John George Sherriff
1/7th Battalion
Age 24
Son of George & Catherine J Sherriff of Carronvale, Larbert
2609 Pte James Reid
"A" Coy. 1/7th Battalion
Age 20
Only son of Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, of 10A, Main St., Camelon, Falkirk
2782 Pte Herbert Richmond
1/7th Battalion
Age 17
Son of Malcolm F & Annie Richmond, 71 Dorrator Road, Camelon
1332 Cpl Hugh Richardson
1/7th Battalion
Age 20
Son of James & Helen Richardson
2612 James Stocks
1/7th Battalion
Brother of Mrs Sarah A Wallar, 10 Abercrombie Street
Denny & Dunipace
S/6222 Pte Lawrence Heenan
10th Battalion
2278 Pte James McArthur
1st Battalion
Age 30
Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McArthur
1565 Pte James Sharp
1/7th Battalion
1569 Pte Henry Turnbull
1/7th Battalion
Age 19
Son of John & Mary L S Turnbull, 18 East Borland
2609 Pte James Reid
'A' Coy 7th Battalion
Age 20
Only son of Mr & Mrs James Reid, 10A Main Street
2972 L/Cpl John Vincent
1/7th Battalion
Age 25
Son of Mrs E Croall, 1 Foundry Place, Keppochhill Road, Springburn. Formerly Weir Buildings, Cathcary, Bonnybridge
9492 Pte Joseph Lawrie
1st Battalion
3288 Pte Andrew Leishman
Age 24
Son of the late William & Elizabeth Leishman, North Road, Condorrat, Cumbernauld
2nd Lieutenant Colin Hunter Stein
1/7th Battalion
3123 Pte Thomas Wardlaw
2507 Pte Adam Cumming
1/7th Battalion
S/3373 Pte Hugh Campbell
1st Battalion
Age 33
Husband of Annie Marshall Reilly (formerly Campbell), 9 Argyll Lane , Maryhill, Glasgow. Son Elizabeth & the late John Campbell, Castleloan, Bo'ness
2529 Pte David Edwards
1/7th Battalion
Age 28
Son of Peter Edwards, 11 Kerse Road
2862 Pte Edward McBride
1/7th Battalion
2749 Pte Thomas McBride
1/7th Battalion
Age 21
Son of Thomas and Jeanie McBride, of 18, Fortingall Place, Laurieston, Falkirk.
S/6632 Pte Alexander Sneddon
11th Battalion
Age 22
Son of John Sneddon, Blackbraes
Black Watch
Panel 37
S/18714 Pte William Brock
"C" Coy. 1st/6th Battalion
Age 25
Born in Falkirk. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brock, of 12, Annfield St., Dundee
292747 Pte Charles Ronald Campbell
7th Battalion
Age 20
Son of John & Jeanie Campbell, 24 Alma Street
Carron & Carronshore
203043 Pte Andrew McKendrick
6th Battalion
Age 34
Husband of Jeanie McKendrick, Hays Buidlings, Carronshore. They had three children Helen born on 8 August 1913, Robert born on 15 July 1915 and Andrew born on 19 October 1917.
Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
Panel 22
25709 Pte John Crawford
2nd Battalion
Age 35
Son of Mr & Mrs William Crawford, 4 Cumbrae Place & husband of Agnes G Hendry Crawford 89 North Park St, Glasgow
14252 Pte Alexander Miller
10th Battalion
Age 35
Son of Hugh C. Miller, of 31, Granary Square, Bainsford, Falkirk
18812 Pte James Shirra
9th Battalion
Age 28
Son of the late William and Elizabeth Shirra, Broomagehall Cottage, Larbert
Gordon Highlanders
Panel 38
S/3588 L/Cpl James McLean
1st Battalion
3/5639 Pte Angus McLeod
2nd Battalion
9193 Sgt James McLeod
1st Battalion
7956 Pte Charles Mason
1st Battalion
6461 R.S.M. William Neilson
1st Battalion
Age 36
Son of William & Jessie Nielson, 340 Thornhill Rd, & husband of Bridget Neilson, 97A Wallace Street
10631 Pte John Wood
2nd Battalion
Age 31
Son of James Wood. 18 High Station Cottage, Falkirk
S/17025 L/Cpl Frederick James Milne
8th/10th Battalion
Age 23
Son of George & Mary Milne, 8 Gibsongray St. Bankside
Carron & Carronshore
3/7313 Pte George Walker
1st Battalion
Age 26
Son of the late Charles Walker & Jane Inglis Walker, 206 West Carron
S/10214 John Anderson
1st Battalion
Age 28
Son of John & Elizabeth Anderson, 4 Lorne Terrace, Larbert
S/3593 Pte Francis Morrison Grant
1st Battalion
Age 23
Son of Francis Morrison Grant & Annie Grant, Main Street, Larbert. His brother John Grant also fell
1925 Pte Robert Dallas Quin
4th Battalion
Age 20
Son of Isabella Quin, Fitzpatrick's Buildings, Stirling Road, Larbert & of the late James Quin, Stonehaven. Brother of James Quin.
S/5617 Sgt Alexander Spence
8/10th Battalion
Age 26
Eldest son of Reverend A Easton Spence and of Barbara Milne Cowan Spence, UF Manse, Dollar
Denny & Dunipace
S/7488 Pte William Gillespie
1st Battalion
S/3573 Pte John Inkster
1st Battalion
Age 19
Son of Mr & Mrs George Inkster, 28 Forth Street
S/3218 Pte Charles McKerracher
'C' Coy 1st Battalion
Age 21
Son of Peter & Alice McKerracher, 72 Lumley Street
S/3588 L/Cpl James McLean
1st Battalion
S/3590 Pte James Smith
1st Battalion
Age 23
Son of John & Margaret Smith, 2 Union Place
S/5634 Sgt Robert Duncan DCM
8th/10th Battalion
Son of Mr & Mrs Robert Duncan, of 39 Carronview, Polmont. He was awarded DCM for his part in raid on enemy trenches.
7971 Cpl James Blackburn Gardiner
‘B’ Company, 1st Battalion
Age 18
Son of Mr William Gardner, Standburn Rows
Highland Light Infantry
Panel 38
Denny & Dunipace
7440 Pte Edward Sinclair
2nd Battalion
43495 Pte Andrew S Watters
12th Battalion
Age 24
Son of Alexander & Mrs Isabella Watters of Helen Villa, Braehead
King’s Own Scottish Borderers
Panel 22
13899 Pte John Imrie
2nd Battalion
8203 Sgt John Milgrew
2nd Battalion
Age 31
Husband of ? Milgrew, 26 Kelvin Street which is her mother’s address
6798 Pte Alex Muir
2nd Battalion
8251 Pte John Shorthouse
2nd Battalion
Son of Andrew Shorthouse & husband of Elizabeth H Shorthouse, 122 Main St, Bishopbriggs
Queens Own Cameron Highlanders
Panel 38 to 40
6574 Pte Samuel Farquhar
1st Battalion
Carron & Carronshore
5937 Pte William Smith
1st Battalion
Age 33
Son of John Smith, 17 East Carron
5498 Pte William Russell
1st Battalion
Age 38
Son of John & Isabella Russell, Burnside Terrace. Husband of Cecillia Montgomery Gibson (formerly Russell) 150 Gordon Street, Camelon
10895 L/Cpl John Laverie
1st Battalion
Age 28
Eldest son of John and Robina Laverie, Muirhall Road, Larbert
8547 Pte John Denton
1st Battalion
Age 23
8070 Pte Joseph Sheratt
1st Battalion
Age 32
Husband of Janet Sneddon Sheratt. Brother of Mary Nisbet (nee Sheratt) Corbiehall, Bo'ness
S/18351 Pte John Hamilton Spence
5th Battalion
Royal Scots
Panel 11 & 38
1940 Pte David Craig
2nd Battalion
10974 Pte George Dickson
2nd Battalion
Age 22
11393 Pte George McGhee
2nd Battalion
10250 Pte Alan McMillan
1st Battalion
11150 Pte William Main
1st Battalion
9962 Pte George O'Neil
1st Battalion
Age 24
Son of John O'Neil, of Maryhill, Glasgow
3307 Pte Alexander Rutherford
2nd Battalion
10347 Pte Robert Smith
1st Battalion
Age 27
Brother of Mrs. Cooper, of 3, Roman Drive, Carmuir's Houses, Camelon, Falkirk
7349 Cpl Thomas Wallace
1st Battalion
2458 Pte Robert Wilson
2nd Battalion
Age 33
Carron & Carronshore
10826 Pte James Baird
1st Battalion
Age 23
Son of John & Jessie Taylor Baird, 112 Gairdoch Street
3306 Pte James Cook
1st Battalion
Age 19
Son of James & Janet Cook, 35 Gairdoch Street
10347 Pte Robert Smith
1st Battalion
Age 27
Brother of Mrs Cooper, 3 Roman Drive, Carmuirs Houses, Camelon
Denny & Dunipace
1015 Pte James Fraser
2nd Battalion
8486 L/Cpl Andrew Ewing
2nd Battalion
20319 Pte Archibald Marr
1st Battalion
Age 18
Son of William Marr, Mossnew Cottage
34114 L/Cpl Peter Bennie
13th Battalion
9815 Pte Malcolm Marshall
1st Battalion
43277 Pte Richard Nisbet Hamilton
13th Battalion
Age 29
Son of thomas & Annie Hamilton, Beechmon Cottage, Borrowstoun
2496 Pte Robert McNaught
2nd Battalion
Age 19
Nephew of Mrs Agnus Struthers, 13 Richmond Terrace
626 Pte Robert Mains
'B' (Bo'ness) Coy, 10th (Cyclists)
Age 27
Husband of Nellie McGuiness Mains, 10 furnace Rows, Bo'ness. They had three children
2990 Pte David Tait
2nd Battalion
Age 22
Son of William & Margaret Tait, Panacre Place
16453 L/Cpl Gardner Jack
1st Battalion
Age 32
Husband of Agnes Moodie Jack, 26 Grahamdyke St, Laurieston
34241 Pte William Geddes
13th Bttn
Royal Scots Fusiliers
Panel 19 & 33
9789 Pte Peter Graham
2nd Battalion
Age 25
5500 Pte Robert Shaw
2nd Battalion
6347 Pte Samuel Wilson
1st Battalion
16071 Pte William Haire
1st Battalion
Age 28
Husband of Janet Kirkbride Haire, Larbert
41199 Pte John Scoon
2nd Battalion
Age 29
Husband of Elizabeth Marshall Scoon, 24 Highland Dykes. Son of the late Thomas & Ann Lillie Scoon
43018 Pte Alexander Marquis Black Harley
6th/7th Battalion
Age 24
Husband of Mary Middleton Harley, 12 Main Street & had one child. Son of John Harley & the late Marion Harley
43217 Pte William Pow
6th/7th Battalion
Age 36
Husband of Margaret Brewster Pow, they had four children & lived at 44 Newton, Bo'ness
16014 L/Cpl Joseph Robertson
1st Battalion
Age 38
Husband of Mrs Christina Robertson, of 105 Standburn. He was one of three brothers who enlisted. A fourth, Robert Robertson, Gordon Highlanders, DoW on 17 December 1914 and is buried at Bailleul Communal Cemetery
6347 Pte Samuel Wilson
1st Battalion
Age 23
Son of Mrs A Wilson, Mayfield Cottage, Rumford
Scots Guards
Panel 11
7201 Guardsman Thomas Dunn
1st Battalion
9307 Pte John Godfrey
1st Battalion
Age 38
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Godfrey, of Crispin Place, Falkirk
4050 Guardsman Alexander Learmouth
1st Battalion
6995 Guardsman John McLay
1st Battalion
4816 Pte Robert Caine
1st Battalion
5152 Pte Thomas Jackson
1st Battalion
Age 27
Son of William Jackson, Main Street
7794 Pte Frederick Wright Nunn
1st Battalion
Age 23
Son of James Wright & Elizabeth Dixon Nunn, Sunnyside Road
6113 Pte James Peebles
2nd Battalion
Age 26
Husband of Ellen Hickey Peebles, Anderson Terrace, Longcroft. Son of James Peebles, 79 Fort Street, Broughty Ferry Dundee
8678 Pte John Friars
1st Battalion
Age 22
Son of John Friars, 17 Richmond Terrace
Seaforth Highlanders
Panel 38
S/6906 Pte James McPherson
2nd Battalion
Age 19
263041 John R Moodie
5th Battalion
Age 35
Son of George Moodie, 38 Grahams Road
202935 Pte Peter Hume Ritchie
8th Battalion
Age 19
Denny & Dunipace
S/21651 Pte Allan C Kerr
8th Battalion
Age 38
Enlisted in Denny. Husband of Elizabeth C Kerr, 553 Crow Road, Jordanhill, Glasgow
8617 Guardsman William Williamson
1st Battalion
Age 27
Brother of George Williamson, 5 Carron View, Maddiston
Royal Scots Greys
Panel 5
2977 Trooper John Mutter DCM
‘C' Squadron, 2nd Dragoons
Wounded in trenches in front of Kemmel while carrying a comrade on a stretcher from the firing line, having volunteered for the duty, saying he was stronger than the man detailed for the duty.
Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Panel 8
6790 Pte John Henry Doughty
1st Battalion
King’s Royal Rifle Corps
Addenda Panel 60
5988 Pte Thomas Drummond
1st Battalion
Age 29
Son of Clara Drummond, of 52 Davey Road, Handsworth, Birmingham
Prince of Wales’ Own (West Yorkshire Regiment)
Panel 21
4/8407 Pte Thomas Hart
1st Battalion
York & Lancaster Regiment
Panel 36 to 55
15396 Pte Luther Oliver
9th Battalion
Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Reg)
Panel 39 & 41
76478 L/Cpl James Johnston
17th Battalion
Age 23
Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
Panel 56
23013 L/Cpl James Denholm Williamson
44th Coy
Age 21
Son of Mrs. J. Williamson, of Athol Place, Falkirk
60180 Pte Alexander McTaggart
74th Company
Age 29
Husband of Janet McTaggart, 1I Jubilee Place. Son of Duncan & Margaret McTaggart, Port Appin, Oban
99568 Pte William Sharpe Love
246th Company
Age 29
Husband of Jeanie Thomson Irving Love, Polmont. Son of James & Sarah Love, Airdrie
35588 Pte David Christie
24th Company, 24th Brigade, 8th Division
Age 35
Son of Mr John Christie, Victoria Rd. He was married & his wife lived in Polmont
Northumberland Fusiliers
10129 Pte Peter McCann
1st Battalion
Age 42
Husband of Mrs H Dawson. Son of James McCann, Mathieson's Buidlings
Denny & Dunipace
4064 Pte James Comrie
7th Battalion
Professional footballer for Third Lanark, Reading, Glossop, Bradford City and Lincoln
Northamptonshire Regiment
Panel 43 & 45
Lt Alexander Nimmo Sherriff
1st Battalion
Age 20
Son of George & Catherine J Sherriff of Carronvale, Larbert. His brother was Lt 1/7th A & SH . Killed in Action on 26 April 1915. See Argyll’s listing
Border Regiment
Panel 36
6312 Sgt Alfred William Spicksley
2nd Battalion
Age 31
Husband of Jeanie Hall Spikesley, North Broomage
Queens Own (Royal West Kent Reg)
Panel 45 & 47
G/1621 James Buchanan
Age 22
7th Battalion
Son of Peter & Jemima Buchanan, 9 Cowden Place
Irish Guards
Panel 11
2437 Pte Robert McColgan
2 Coy 2nd Battalion
Age 28
Husband of ? McColgan they had three children. Drum Terrace
(Royal Irish) Lancers
Panel 5
6801 Cpl Matthew Shutt
5th Battalion
Age 34
Husband of Agnes Birnie Dickson (formerly Shutt), Sunnyside Cottages, Polmont. Son of the late William & Mary Shutt
Tank Corps
Panel 56
77449 Gunner William Brown
1st Salvage Company
Age 21
Son of Alexander & Margaret Brown, Swordie Main
Links to the area
Black Watch
Panel 37
S/18714 Pte William Brock
"C" Coy. 1st/6th
Age 25
Born in Falkirk. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brock, of 12, Annfield St., Dundee
Royal Scots
Panel 11 & 38
3026 Pte David Masterton Simpson
2nd Battalion
Age 31
Husband of Mary Simpson, 2 Donegall Street, Belfast. His brothers William & Alexander lived in Bo'ness. Son of Peter & Isabella Simpson, of Alloa, who both died before him
2198 Pte Alexander Stevens
2/10th (Cyclists)
Husband of Janet D Stevens & they had one child. They lived in Edinburgh
Royal Scots Fusiliers
Panel 19 & 33
43210 Pte Andrew McLean
6th/7th Battalion
Age 24
Son of the late John McLean & the late Jane McLean of Kirn near Dunoon
Kings Own Scottish Borderers
Panel 22
16816 Pte James Maxwell
2nd Battalion
Age 21
Husband of Mary Maxwell, 18 Peveril Place Lochore. Youngest son of John & Margaret Maxwell formerly of Furnace Row, Bo'ness
Australian Imperial Force
Panel 7
2859 Pte Alexander McKenzie
39th A.I.F.
Age 36
Son of David & Madeleine Cruikshank McKenzie & husband of M J McKenzie, 68 Grahams Rd
284 Reg Sgt Major John Taylor
8th Battalion
Age 34
Son of Duncan & Jane Taylor. Husband of Mary Taylor, 98 Lumby Street, Grangemouth
Lt John Drummond
44th Battalion A.I.F.
Age 25
Only son of Catherine Sinclair Drummond & the late Malcolm Drummond, Learnock Toll, Balfron. Nephew of David & Isabella Drummond, nee Sinclair, Larbert Bridge
284 Reg Sgt Major John Taylor
49th Battalion
Age 34
Husband of Mary Taylor, 98 Lumley Street. Son of Duncan & Jane Taylor
Canadian Infantry
Panels 8-10-18-24-26-28-30
28773 Pte Duncan Gillespie McPhee
16th Battalion
Age 33
Son of James & Kathleen Gillespie McPhee formerly of Bankier
27104 Pte John Marshall
15th Battalion
Age 19
Son of Margaret Currie (formerly Marshall), 73 Hocken Avenue, Toronto & of the late John Marshall, Bellevue Terrace, Stenhousemuir
407016 Pte Peter Reid
1st Battalion
Age 38
Husband of Mary Meston Reid, 128 Gibson Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario. Son of John Reid, Denny
736525 Pte John McPherson Young
19th Battalion
Age 36
Son of Catherine McPherson Wylie (formerly Young) 143 Grahams Road
1000443 Pte Charles Maitland
43rd Battalion
Age 29
Husband of Janet Maitland, Stewartfield Place Larbert. Son of John & Marjorie Maitland, Castlehill, Larbert
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry
812 Pte J McIntyre
Age 21
Son of Robert & Letitia McIntyre, Balmuir Cottage, Airth Road
Canadian Pioneers
Panel 32
463642 Pte William McEwan Leishman
3rd Battalion
Age 27
Son of William & Isabella Leishman, 52 Dundas Street
The YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL now bears the names of more than 54,000 officers and men whose graves are not known.
UK – 40,244
Australian – 6,198
Canadian – 6,983
South African – 564
British West Indies – 6
India - 421