This cemetery takes its name from a line of huts strung along the road from Dickebusch (now Dikkebus) to Brandhoek, which were used by field ambulances during the 1917 Allied offensive on this front. Plots I to X and XII to XIV were filled between July and November 1917. Plots XV and XI followed. Nearly two-thirds of the burials are of gunners as many artillery positions existed nearby.
The cemetery was closed in April 1918 when the German advance (the Battle of the Lys) brought the front line very close. The advance was finally halted on the eastern side of the village, following fierce fighting at Dickebusch Lake, on 8 May. The 10th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment held the line that day.
The cemetery was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens. There are four Falkirk and District men buried here.

Cemetery Location
The Huts Cemetery is located 6 Kms south-west of Ieper town centre. From Ieper town centre the Dikkebusseweg (N375) is reached via Elverdingsestraat, straight over a roundabout onto J. Capronstraat (for 30 metres), then left along M. Fochlaan. Immediately after the train station the first right hand turning is the Dikkebusseweg. On reaching Dikkebus village the cemetery is reached by taking a right hand turning onto the Melkerijstraat. This road continues for 1 Km, over a crossroads and bending sharply to the right, then meeting a junction with the Steenakkerstraat. The cemetery is located 200 metres after this junction on the Steenakkerstraat.
Death of a Brigadier-General
Grave XII.C.20. Brigadier-General C G Rawling, commanding 62nd Infantry Brigade, 21st

Division, was killed on 28 October 1917 at the Hooge Crater. He was age 47. The crater was blown by the British in 1915 and was habitually used by them as a Brigade HQ. He was killed by a shell that landed at the door of the dugout. It was recorded that: ‘He had gone out to supervise personally the unloading of some wagons which had been interrupted by a burst of shell fire. The incident was characteristic of his disregard for danger which he had shown among other ways by a habit in ordinary trench warfare of walking over the top instead of by communication trenches as was laid down in orders for everyone.’
His awards included the Companion of St. Michael and St. George, Companion of the Indian Empire, Distinguished Service Order (Gazetted in the New Year Honours on 1 January 1918), Mentioned in Despatches. He was the son of Mrs. Rawling, of 16, Montague Street., Portman Square, London.
Shot at Dawn - Read more about the two men buried here https://www.theypressalient.com/post/the-huts-cemetery-1
8/2733 Private Victor M Spencer. Grave XV.B.10 1st Battalion, Otago Regiment, New Zealand Expeditionary Force. Age 23. 242904 Private Henry Hughes. Grave XV.D.15. 1/5th Battalion York and Lancasters, 148th Brigade, 49th (West Riding) Division.
British Airmen buried here https://www.theypressalient.com/post/british-airmen-the-huts-cemetery
German Airmen buried here https://www.theypressalient.com/post/german-airmen-the-huts-cemetery
Balloonatics buried here https://www.theypressalient.com/post/balloonatics-the-huts-cemetery
24217 Corporal Francis Adrian
1st Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery
Age 30
Son of Francis and Catherine Loughin Adrian, 42 Grange View Terrace, Falkirk
36569 Gunner James Thomson
148th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery
Denny & Dunipace
26354 Acting Bombardier William Ashwood
111th Heavy Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery
Age 33
Son of Robert & Annie Taylor Ashwood
S/18307 Private Archibald Dearie
1st Infantry Labour Company, Seaforth Highlanders
Age 20
Son of Michael & Mary Dunlop Dearie, Kirkwood's Close, 102 North Street
There are now 1,094 Commonwealth burials of the First World War in the cemetery.
UK – 815
Australian – 243
New Zealand – 19
Canadian – 5
South African – 4
British West Indies – 1
India – 1
Known unto God – 6
German - 6