The cemetery is situated on a hill with views across the valley. It is best seen from the Dochy Farm New British Cemetery on the Zonnebeke to Langemark Road and looking across Abraham Heights. 'Tyne Cot' or 'Tyne Cottage' was the name given by the

Northumberland Fusiliers to a barn which stood near the level crossing on the Passchendaele-Broodseinde Road. The barn, which had become the centre of five or six German blockhouses, or pill-boxes, was captured by the 3rd Australian Division on 4 October 1917, in the advance on Passchendaele. The 34th Battalion, Australian Imperial Force had reached this point before being stopped and it was 23 year Captain Clarence Smith Jefferies who led the attack on the blockhouse that now forms the base of the Cross of Sacrifice, capturing four machine guns and thirty five prisoners. With a Sergeant and ten other ranks, he then attacked the blockhouse in the south-east corner of the cemetery where he was killed and is now buried. He was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross.

The blockhouse at the base of the Cross of Sacrifice was used as an Advanced Dressing Station after its capture. From 6 October to the end of March 1918, 343 graves were made, on two sides of it, by the 50th (Northumbrian) and 33rd Divisions, and by the 11th Canadian Field Ambulance units. You can make out the original burial ground by the irregular burials around the blockhouse. The cemetery was in German hands again from 13 April to 28 September, when it was finally recaptured, with Passchendaele, by the Belgian Army.
To reach the cemetery you may have passed through Zonnebeke which was at the centre of the fierce fighting in this area throughout the War. From the 19 to 21 October 1914 the Germans tried to turn the flank of the British 7th Division but the line was held by the 22nd Brigade until they were forced to pull back on the 22 October. The French retook Zonnebeke the next day before the British 2nd Division held the line from here to Reutal in late October 1914. In May 1915 the British consolidated their lines and this meant giving up Zonnebeke to the Germans who held the town until the British retook it in September 1917 during Third Ypres. During the German Spring offensive of 1918 they took the town and during the advance to victory in September 1918 the Belgian Army retook the town for the final time. There was little of it left standing.

Three of the Twelve Poets of the Ypres Salient are listed here
Captain Eric Fitzwater Wilkinson M.C., ‘A’ Company, 8th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment (Leeds Rifles), Age 26, Killed 9 October 1917. Tyne Cot Memorial Panel 42 to 47
2nd Lieutenant William Robert Hamilton, Coldstream Guards, attached 4th Battalion Guards Machine Gun Regiment), Age 26, Killed 12 October 1917. Tyne Cot Memorial Panel 9 & 10
Lieutenant Colonel John Ebenezer Stewart M.C., 4th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, Age 29, Killed 26 April 1918. Tyne Cot Memorial Panel 85 to 86
Son's of MPs Buried Here
Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Martin-Leake V.C. and Bar, RAMC
Captain, later Lieutenant-Colonel Martin-Leake, RAMC, V.C. and Bar was with 5 Field Ambulance in the line near Zonnebeke Church in November 1914 and it was here that he won his Bar to the V.C. that he had been awarded in South Africa in 1902. The Advanced Dressing Station was located in a ‘White House’ at a junction of two lanes 500 yards from

the front line. Lightly wounded cases were brought here by regimental stretcher bearers or walked in to have their wounds treated and then moved on down the line. The more severe cases were kept at ‘White House’ until nightfall when they were transported five miles by horse ambulance to the Dressing Station on the Ypres-Vlamertinghe Road, were the bulk of 5 Field Ambulance was located. On the 6 November he wrote of his billet in his diary: ‘ At present I am living in quite a good house with every comfort and plenty of coal in the cellar. The only disadvantage is that it has been smashed up a good deal by shells, and we have to be content without any glass in the windows. We have shelter-pits to go to
in the daytime when they begin to shell. The nights are always quiet and, when the wounded have been sent off, we have great peace and comfort. We had roast pig for dinner today. The beast was reported to have died from shell wounds!!

His family had to wait for the official account of his V.C. to be published in February 1915 for a detailed account of his actions at Zonnebeke. Major-General C.C. Monro, Commanding 2nd Division had no hesitation in supporting the award in his recommendation to BEF HQ at St Omer dated 26 November 1914. On 28 November 1914 General Douglas Haig, commanding I Corps agreed: ‘Captain Leake, RAMC, has repeatedly done most gallant acts and I concur in recommending that a bar for the V.C. (which he holds) be granted.’
In August 1917 Arthur Leake was with 46 Field Ambulance attached to the 15th (Scottish) Division located at Red Farm near Brandhoek. Late at night on 2 August an ambulance came in carrying Captain Noel Chavasse, V.C. RAMC of the Liverpool Scottish. His face was unrecognisable from the flash burns sustained in the shell explosion he also had an abdominal wound. He was not taken out of the ambulance but was sent on direct to 32 CCS further along the road at Brandhoek were he died on 4 August. He is buried in the New Military Cemetery at Brandhoek. Arthur had seen him and only later did the meeting assume any significance for him. On 14 September 1917 it was announced that Captain Noel Chavasse had been posthumously awarded a Bar to his V.C. He and Arthur were the first two and both won their Bars while carrying out their duties as Army doctors. From Zonnebeke, were Arthur Martin-Leake won his, to Wieltje were Noel Chavasse in the winning of his, is a distance of a few miles.
On 25 July 1915 Captain Lanoe George Hawker, 6th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps won his V.C. for bringing down three German aeroplanes in one morning before they crashed into the lines at Zonnebeke. (See the Sanctuary Wood entry for details of this action). Captain Hawker, formerly of the Royal Engineers, was later promoted to Major and was also awarded the D.S.O. He was shot down and killed by the Red Baron near the Somme on 23 November 1916.
Cemeteries concentrated here
TYNE COT CEMETERY was greatly enlarged after the Armistice when remains were brought in from the battlefields of Passchendaele and Langemarck, and from a few small burial grounds, including the following:
IBERIAN SOUTH CEMETERY and IBERIAN TRENCH CEMETERY, LANGEMARCK, 1,200 metres North of Frezenberg, close to a farm called by the Army "Iberian". These contained the graves of 30 soldiers from the United Kingdom who fell in August-September 1917, and March 1918.
KINK CORNER CEMETERY, ZONNEBEKE, on the road to Frezenberg, containing the graves of 14 soldiers from the United Kingdom, nine from Canada and nine from Australia, who fell in September-November 1917.
LEVI COTTAGE CEMETERY, ZONNEBEKE, near the road to Langemarck, containing the graves of ten soldiers from the United Kingdom, eight from Canada and three from Australia, who fell in September-November 1917.
OOSTNIEUWKERKE GERMAN CEMETERY, in the village of Oostnieuwkerke, containing the graves of 20 soldiers and 2 airmen from the United Kingdom and two soldiers from Canada who fell in 1915-1917.
PRAET-BOSCH GERMAN CEMETERY, VLADSLOO, in the forest on the road from Kortewilde to Leke. Here were buried six officers of the R.F.C. and R.A.F. who fell in 1917-18.
STADEN GERMAN CEMETERY, on the South-East side of the road to Stadenberg, containing the graves of 14 soldiers from the United Kingdom and ten from Canada who fell in 1915-1917.
WATERLOO FARM CEMETERY, PASSCHENDAELE, 650 metres North-East of 's Gravenstafel, containing the graves of ten soldiers from Canada, seven from the United Kingdom and two from New Zealand, who fell in 1917-18.
ZONNEBEKE BRITISH CEMETERY No.2, on the road between Zonnebeke and Broodseinde, in which the Germans buried 18 men of the 2nd Buffs and 20 of the 3rd Royal Fusiliers who fell in April 1915.
It is now the largest Commonwealth war cemetery in the world in terms of burials. At the suggestion of King George V, who visited the cemetery in 1922, the Cross of Sacrifice was placed on the original large pill-box. There are three other pill-boxes in the cemetery.
There are now 11,961 Commonwealth servicemen of the First World War buried or commemorated in Tyne Cot Cemetery. 8,373 of the burials are unidentified but there are special memorials to more than 80 casualties known or believed to be buried among them. Other special memorials commemorate 20 casualties whose graves were destroyed by shell fire. There are also 4 German burials, 3 being unidentified.
The cemetery was designed by Sir Herbert Baker.

(Linesman map)
The TYNE COT MEMORIAL forms the north-eastern boundary of Tyne Cot Cemetery and commemorates nearly 35,000 servicemen from the United Kingdom and New Zealand who died in the Ypres Salient after 16 August 1917 and whose graves are not known. The Memorial is one of four that commemorates the missing stands close to the farthest point in Belgium reached by Commonwealth forces in the First World War until the final advance to victory.

The memorial was designed by Sir Herbert Baker with sculpture by F V Blundstone.
Cemetery Location
Tyne Cot Cemetery is located 9 Kms north-east of Ieper town centre, on the Tynecotstraat, a road leading from the Zonnebeekseweg (N332).
Talbot House connection
19075 Corporal Herbert Charles Hoptrough, 15th Battalion Hampshire Regiment. Age 21. Killed 20 September 1917. Panel 88 to 90. Son of Herbert and Annie Hoptrough, of 13, Hampshire St., Buckland, Portsmouth.
On the 25 December 1916 they both visited Tubby Clayton in TOC-H with Herbert Hoptrough recording the details in a letter: ‘On 25th December Fred Burrow and myself stopped a motor lorry somewhere in (not blighty) and proceeded to a certain celebrated house, known as TALBOT HOUSE (his caps)….. We had been sitting down for about an hour, when a noise outside the door, told us that the one and only P.B.C. had arrived….. We then had the greatest joy in taking part in the little service of ‘Holy Communion’.
Afterwards they then had dinner with Tubby in a restaurant he wrote: ‘.. Can you imagine P.B.C., F.H. H.C.H and another nice chap, sitting at a round table in an excellent restaurant, eating and talking at the same time.’ In a letter dated 25 September 1917 and featured in the newsletter ‘The Nutshell’ distributed to members of the Church Boys Club in Portsmouth that Tubby once organised when a curate he wrote: ‘ Fred Burrow and Bertie Hoptrough spent both Christmas and Easter Day with me..’ He went on: ‘ .. Of these Fred Burrow, Charlie Payne, Charlie Grant and Syd Nagle have died in action… I last saw Fred standing like a model of young manhood, with his shirt off, washing at the door of a hut. I had gone miles out of my way to find him.. Of his death I have only few details as yet…’
The same edition published a letter extract from Herbert Hoptrough in which he spoke of the death of his close friend Fred Burrow: ‘I simply cannot explain how I feel about Fred, but I know you will understand. We joined up practically together and have been together for the greater part of our 15 months in France, so please express my real grief.’ and just before going to press the Editor added a note recording the death of Herbert he wrote: ‘… we hear of the death in action of Bert Hoptrough and Fred Burrow’s great and constant friend.’
(The above is from the book 'A Touch of Paradise in Hell' by Jan Louagie)
Victoria Cross holders buried or commemorated here
There are six men who are either buried in the Cemetery or commemorated on the Memorial who have been awarded the V.C.

Grave XL.E.1 Captain Clarence Smith Jeffries, V.C., 34th Battalion (New South Wales), 9th Australian Brigade, 3rd Australian Division, Australian Imperial Force. Age 23. Died 12 October 1917. Son of Joshua and Barbara Jeffries, of Abermain, New South Wales. Native of Wallsend, New South Wales. An extract from "The London Gazette," No. 30433, dated 18th Dec 1917, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery in attack, when his company was held up by enemy machine-gun fire from concrete emplacements. Organising a party, he rushed one emplacement, capturing four machine guns and thirty-five prisoners. He then led his company forward under extremely heavy enemy artillery barrage and enfilade machine-gun fire to the objective. Later, he again organised a successful attack on a machine-gun emplacement, capturing two machine guns and thirty more prisoners. This gallant officer was killed during the attack, but it was entirely due to his bravery and initiative that the centre of the attack was not held up for a lengthy period. His example had a most inspiring influence."

Grave XX.D.1 456 Sergeant Lewis McGee, V.C., 40th Battalion (Tasmania),10th Australian Brigade, 3rd Australian Division, Australian Imperial Force. Age 29. Died 12 October 1917. Son of John and Mary McGee, of Ross, Tasmania; husband of Eileen Rose McGee, of Avoca, Tasmania. An extract from "The London Gazette" No. 30400, dated 23rd Nov 1917, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery when, in the advance to the final objective, Sergt McGee led his platoon with great dash and bravery, though strongly opposed, and under heavy shell fire. His platoon was suffering severely and the advance of the Company was stopped by machine gun fire from a ' Pill-box ' post. Single-handed Sergt. McGee rushed the post armed only with a revolver. He shot some of the crew and captured the rest, and thus enabled the advance to proceed. He re-organised the remnants of his platoon and was foremost in the remainder of the advance, and during consolidation of the position he did splendid work. This Non-commissioned Officer's coolness and bravery were conspicuous and contributed largely to the success of the Company's operations. Sergt McGee was subsequently killed in action."

Grave LVIII.D.26 552655 Private James Peter Robertson, V.C., 27th Battalion (Winnipeg), 6th Canadian Brigade, 2nd Canadian Division, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Age 35. Died 6 November 1917. Son of Alexander and Janet Robertson, of 656, 5th St., South East, Medicine Hat, Alberta. An extract from "The London Gazette" No. 30471, dated 8th January 1918, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery and outstanding devotion to duty in attack. When his platoon was held up by uncut wire and a machine gun causing many casualties, Pte. Robertson dashed to an opening on the flank, rushed the machine gun and, after a desperate struggle with the crew, killed four and then turned the gun on the remainder, who, overcome by the fierceness of his onslaught, were running towards their own lines. His gallant work enabled the platoon to advance. He inflicted many more casualties among the enemy, and then carrying the captured machine gun, he led his platoon to the final objective. He there selected an excellent position and got the gun into action, firing on the retreating enemy who by this time were quite demoralised by the fire brought to bear on them. During the consolidation Pte. Robertson's most determined use of the machine gun kept down the fire of the enemy snipers; his courage and his coolness cheered his comrades and inspired them to the finest efforts. Later, when two of our snipers were badly wounded in front of our trench, he went out and carried one of them in under very severe fire. He was killed just as he returned with the second man."
Panel 50 & 51 Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Eric Bent, D.S.O., V.C., 9th Leicestershire Regiment, 110th Brigade, 21st Division. Age 26. Died 1 October 1917. Native of Halifax, Nova Scotia. He was educated in England, having come back from Canada with his mother. At the age of 17 he joined the Merchant Navy at his home town of Ashby de la Zouch, miles from the sea. He joined the army as a private in October 1914 and was commissioned into the Leicesters and stayed with them in serving with both the 7th and the 9th Battalions. His mother collected his DSO and VC at an investiture in Buckingham Palace in the spring of 1918. An extract from "The London Gazette," No. 30471, dated 11th January 1918, records the following:- For most conspicuous bravery, when during a heavy hostile attack, the right of his own command and the battalion on his right were forced back. The situation was critical owing to the confusion caused by the attack and the intense artillery fire. Lt. Col. Bent personally collected a platoon that was in reserve, and together with men from other companies and various regimental details, he organised and led them forward to the counter-attack, after issuing orders to other officers as to the further defence of the line. The counter-attack was successful and the enemy were checked. The coolness and magnificent example shown to all ranks by Lt.-Col. Bent resulted in the securing of a portion of the line which was of essential importance for subsequent operations. This very gallant officer was killed whilst leading a charge which he inspired with the call of "Come on the Tigers."
Panel 52 to 54 42537 Corporal William Clamp, V.C., 6th Yorkshire Regiment (Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own), 32nd Brigade, 11th (Northern) Division. Age 26. Died 9 October 1917. Son of Charles and Christina Dundas Clamp, of 13C, Reid Terrace, Flemington, Motherwell. An extract from "The London Gazette," No. 30433, dated 18th Dec. 1917, records the following:-"For most conspicuous bravery when an advance was being checked by intense machine-gun fire from concrete blockhouses and by snipers in ruined buildings. Corporal Clamp dashed forward with two men and attempted to rush the largest blockhouse. His first attempt failed owing to the two men with him being knocked out, but he at once collected some bombs, and calling upon two men to follow him, again dashed forward. He was first to reach the blockhouse and hurled in bombs, killing many of the occupants. He then entered and brought out a machine-gun and about twenty prisoners, whom he brought back under heavy fire from neighbouring snipers. This non-commissioned officer then again went forward encouraging and cheering the men, and succeeded in rushing several snipers' posts. He continued to display the greatest heroism until he was killed by a sniper. His magnificent courage and self-sacrifice was of the greatest value and relieved what was undoubtedly a very critical situation.
Panel 70 to 72 42364 Lance-Corporal Ernest Seaman, M.M., V.C., 2nd Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 109th Brigade, 36th (Ulster) Division. Age 25. Died 29 September 1918.
Son of Mrs. Sarah Seaman. Born at Norwich, Norfolk. An extract from "The London Gazette," No.31012, dated 15th Nov. 1918, records the following:- "For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty. When the right flank of his company was held up by a nest of enemy machine guns, he, with great courage and initiative, rushed forward under heavy fire with his Lewis gun and engaged the position single-handed, capturing two machine guns and twelve prisoners and killing one officer and two men. Later in the day he again rushed another enemy machine-gun position, capturing the gun under heavy fire. He was killed immediately after. His courage and dash were beyond all praise, and it was entirely due to the very gallant conduct of Lance Cpl. Seaman that his company was enabled to push forward to its objective and capture many prisoners."
There are nine men buried and 105 commemorated here.
Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
276066 Private James Bryans
2nd Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Cameron Highlanders
S/21294 Private James Strachan King
1st battalion Cameron Highlanders
Age 21
Son of William & Janet King, 16 Philpingstone Terrace, Bridgeness, Bo'ness
King’s Own Scottish Borderers
28700 Private John McVitty
7/8th Battalion KOSB
XLIV. B. 8
Royal Scots
16345 Cpl William Silcock
13th Battalion Royal Scots
XIII. D. 7
30465 Sergeant Thomas Dennistoun
13th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 20
Son of John & Elizabeth Dennistoun, Station Square
Royal Scots Fusiliers
34813 Private Andrew Guthrie
6/7th Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers
Age 21
Son of Thomas & Mary Guthrie, formerly of Hill of Kinnaird Cottages
Devonshire Regiment
12568 Private William Waterstone Dick
9th Battalion Devonshire Regiment
Age 30
Son of John A & Marion Dick, 34 Red Brae Terrace, Falkirk
Royal Fusiliers
Lieutenant Robert Watt
11th Battalion Royal Fusiliers
Age 24
Son of William Watt, Old Dock Gates
Royal Warwickshire Regiment
202530 Private Herbert Broome
2/5th Battalion, 182nd Brigade, Royal Warwickshire Reg
Age 27
Son of Thomas Ainslie & Margaret Broome, Thomson Place, Corbiehall
Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Panel 141 to 143
S/7049 Private Thomas Beattie
'B' Coy 2nd Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 31
S/1952 Private Robert Ford
7th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 32
Husband of Esther Ford 165 Grahams Road, Falkirk
202277 Private Allan Law
11th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
S/9989 Private Robert Ferguson Morton
1st Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 26
Brother of John Morton 22 Firs Street, Falkirk
2nd Lieutenant Kenneth Niven
11th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 19
Son of Charles Bain Niven M.B.E. & Euphemia Niven, 18 Meeks Road
S/17777 L/Cpl James Peters
2nd Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 20
Son of William & Margaret Lundy Peters, 13 Station Buidlings, Garrison Place
27655 Private Thomas Sim
10th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 28
Son of James and Mary Sim, of 45, Comely Place, Falkirk
S/12205 Private John Thomson
1/5th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
275436 Private Alexander Ward
11th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 25
Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, of 23, Melville St., Falkirk
S/11654 Private Andrew Stewart
1/5th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 40
Brother of Peter Stewart, 19 David Loan, Bainsford
275869 Private Andrew Reid Adam Johnston
10th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 20
Youngest son of John and Mary Johnston, Livingstone Terrace, Larbert
S/11420 L/Cpl Andrew Dick
‘A’ Company, 11th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 23
Son of Alexander & Margaret Dick, Munro Street. Is brother John Dick also fell.
198 Private William Hamilton
2nd Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 26
Son of Mrs Mary Hamilton & the late James Hamilton, Homeside, Hamilton, Ontario & formerly of 5 Steps Street Stenhousemuir & brother of Mrs Janet Govan, James Street, Stenhousemuir
S/7200 Private Robert Miller
10th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Denny & Dunipace
201831 Private John Dawson
10th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 31
Son of Janet Dawson, of 74, Chalmers St., Dunfermline and the late James Dawson; husband of Janet Wark Dawson, of 5, Sunnyside Rd., Alloa
S/40472 Cpl John Thomson
11th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
278692 Private Thomas Duncan
10th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
3/3081 Private James Henderson
‘D’ Company, 10th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 25
Son of Mr & Mrs William Henderson, 16 Chapel Buildings
202277 Private Allan Low
11th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
S/22648 Private William H Gibb
2nd Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
202276 Private James Kay
11th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 19
Son of James & Agnes Kay, 113 James St, Laurieston
276348 Private Archibald Barclay
10th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 27
Son of Mr & Mrs John Barclay, 33 Etna Building, Falkirk
S/19998 Private James Small
10th Battalion Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
Age 32
Husband of Mrs Annie Small, Standrigg & had 4 children
Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) Panel 94 to 96
202729 Private George Wylie
4/5th Battalion Black Watch
S/8820 Private Cameron Gilchrist
9th Battalion Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
Age 21
Son of John C & Jeanie L Dick Gilchrist, Wall Street, Camelon
292788 Private William Nicoll
4/5th Battalion Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
Age 20
Son of David & Janet Nicoll, 106 Sunnyside Street
Cameronians (Scottish Rifles Panel 68 to 70
40478 Private William Cheape
1st Battalion Cameronians ( Scottish Rifles)
Age 21
Son of David & Isabella Cheape, 238 Wallace Street, Falkirk
37759 Private George Robertson
10th Battalion Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
Age 18
Son of George & Janet Robertson, 23 Rattray Street, Grangepans
Gordon Highlanders Panel 135 to 136
S/11901 Sgt John Hunter
2nd Battalion Gordon Highlanders
S/40807 L/Cpl Peter Harrison
4th Battalion Gordon Highlanders
Age 18
Son of the late Mrs. J. L. Ewing
S/7854 L/Sgt William Dickson
2nd Battalion Gordon Highlanders
202743 Sergeant Henry Brock
4th Battalion Gordon Highlanders
Age 20
Son of Henry Brock, 36 Forth Street, Grangemouth
S/43472 Private Robert Campbell
2nd Battalion Gordon Highlanders
Age 21
Son of Archibald & Elizabeth Campbell, 32 James St, Laurieston, Falkirk
Highland Light Infantry Panel 131 to 132
277 Private Daniel McMullan
10/11th Battalion Highland Light Infantry
King’s Own Scottish Borderers Panel 66 to 68
19235 Private Abraham Ronald
1at Battalion KOSB
formerly 18861 3rd Scottish Rifles
35103 Private George Traynor
6th Battalion KOSB
241730 Private Hugh Borthwick Wilson
Age 19
6th Battalion K.O.S.B.
Son of Robert & Janet Borthwick Wilson, 15 Howgate
28631 Private Andrew Baird
2nd Battalion KOSB
Royal Scots Panel 11 to 14
20240 Private David Drysdale Anderson
13th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 36
Son of James and Jane Anderson, 11 Forth Street, Falkirk. Husband of Helen who lived at 126 Westrigg, Blackridge, West Lothian. They had five children
20916 Private James Campbell
2nd Battalion Royal Scots
24774 Private John McMorran
17th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 31
Awarded DSM Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McMorran, of Lintons Buildings, Biggar, Lanarkshire; husband of Susanna Morrison Towle (formerly McMorran), of Smallburn, Muirkirk, Ayrshire
40666 L/Cpl Robert Philp
17th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 24
Son of George and Elizabeth Philp, of Millar Place, Stenhousemuir
39657 Private David King Taylor
13th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 23
Son of David & Elizabeth Taylor, Grangemouth, Husband of Margaret Taylor, 12 Forganhall, Bankside
34220 Cpl Robert Waugh
12th Battalion royal Scots
Age 38
Son of James & Mary Bain Waugh, Hayfield Cottage, Bankside
49920 Pte Ross Dalgetty
12th Battalion
Age 19
Second son of Thomas and Margaret Swanston Dalgetty, nee Thomson, Roslyn, Burnhead Road, Larbert
40666 L/Cpl Robert Philip
17th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 24
Son of George & Elizabeth Philip, Millar Place
41228 Private Thomas Rae
‘A’ Company, 16th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 38
Son of the late James & Christina Rae, Hawthornden, Roslin. Husband of Joan Rae, West Park
23092 Private James Mill
17th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 23
Son of Mrs Jessie Mill, City Hill, Maddiston
34090 Private John Murphy
13th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 42
Husband of Rachel Storrar Murphy, Walkers Buildings, New Street. Son of James & Elizabeth Murphy, Slamannan
48489 Private Robert Coutts Gray
13th Battalion Royal Scots
40982 Private John Langley
17th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 32
Son of Mrs Margaret Langley, 133 Lumley Street
250866 L/Cpl Alex Sneddon
11th Battalion Royal Scots
3047 Private John Bishop
17th Battalion Royal Scots
Husband of Adrina S Bishop & had three children. They lived at 32 Furnace Row. Son of Robert & Jemima Bishop, 10 Kinneil Lane, Bo'ness
16039 Sergeant George Brodie
12th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 26
Husband of Elizabeth Brodie, 2 Hope Street & they had two daughters.
250749 Private Adam Hastie
5/6th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 25
Son of James & Annie Hastie, Woodend Cottage, Bridgeness, Bo'ness
43158 Private Daniel Sneddon Lourie
Age 21
13th Battalion Royal Scots
Son of Alexander & Jane Lourie, Miller Pit Cottage
11399 Private George Burnett Miller
13th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 26
Son of John & Janet Miller, 27 Waggon Road
250803 Private David Rutherford
13th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 33
Son of Thomas Rutherford & Jane Williamson Rutherford
30221 Private George Smith
15th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 37
Son of Thomas & Elizabeth Smith, Kings Cottage, Braehead
14903 Private Joseph Fuller Paterson
11th Battalion Royal Scots
33984 Private James Moodie
15th Battalion Royal Scots
200737 L/Cpl Peter West
12th Battalion Royal Scots
43152 L/Cpl James Hoggan
12th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 21
11822 L/Cpl (Signals) Andrew Meek
11th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 24
Son of Mr & Mrs Meek, Almond Cottages, Muiravonside.
23092 Private James Hamilton Mill
17th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 23
Son of Mrs Jessie Mill, City Hill, Maddiston. He is also listed on the Polmont Memorial as being from Brightons & Craigs
Royal Scots Fusiliers Panel 60 to 61
25465 Private Samuel Pollock
2nd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers
31981 L/Cpl Peter Carmichael
2nd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers
Age 33
Son of John & Mary Carmichael, The South Lodge, Handley, Ratho Station, Midlothian. Husband of Janet Carmichael, North Lodge Larbert House, Larbert
Seaforth Highlanders Panel 132 to 135
S/41219 L/Cpl Alexander Gourlay Abbot
4th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders
Age 18
Formerly S/19365, A& S.H Mother was next of kin and resided at Blinkbonny Road, Camelon.
S/40866 Sgt James Ferguson Brown
8th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders
Age 20
Son of John & Janet C Brown, 3 Scotia Place, Falkirk
26784 Private William McDonald
2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders
Age 36
Son of Ann McDonald, of 166, West Carron, Falkirk, and the late John McDonald
S/25068 Private Charles Patrick
7th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders
Age 18
Son of John and Isabella Patrick, of 2, Hamilton Drive, Falkirk
Denny & Dunipace
S/40892 Private Joseph Dyer
8th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders
Age 19
Son of Hugh & Mary Dyer, 26 Herbertshire Street
241897 Private Alexander MacKay
8th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders
S/8858 Private Robert William Hector
8th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders
Son of John & Margaret Hector, Priam Cottages, Beancross Road
S/25062 Private Peter Milne Peter
7th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders
Age 18
Son of Mr P & Mrs A Milne, 124 Kerse Road
S/40873 Private John Lamond
4th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders
Eldest son of Mr George Lamond, Bridgehill, Avonbridge.
Scots Guards Panel 10
15992 Guardsman James McLay
1st Battalion Scots Guards
Age 21
Son of James and Agnes McLay, of Nancybank Cottage, Bonnybridge
Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) Panel 154 to 159
67222 Private Thomas Miller Johnston
170th Company, Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
Age 25
Son of Mrs. Margaret Duncan Johnston, of 5 Mary St., Thornhill Rd., Falkirk
34288 Private John Silcock
10th Company Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
60329 Private Joseph Blair
19th Company Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
Age 20
Son of Joseph & Jessie Nicholson Blair, 12 Company's Row
114536 Private Charles Bell Craig
49th Battalion Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
Age 35
Son of John Craig, of 5 Schaw Cottages, Carnock, Cowie, Bannockburn
Denny & Dunipace
90176 Private William Bayne
143rd Company Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
Age 21
Son of Henry & Barbara Bayne, 3 Anderson Street
43301 Private James Easton
11th Company Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
Age 20
Son of Mrs Easton, Boghead Lane
66875 Private Thomas Young
59th Company Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
Age 21
Son of the late Lewis E Young & Mrs Jane Young, Grange Cottage, Church Street
97618 Private Joseph Fowler
25th Company Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
Age 34
Son the late Mr & Mrs Joseph Fowler, Leicester Terrace, Dennyloanhead. Husband of Matilda Fowler, 16 Rose Street, Carlton, Glasgow
98133 Private Andrew Galt Paton
245th Company Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
24895 Cpl George Soutar
20th Company Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
2692 Private John Middleton
28th Company Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
Age 20
Son of Allan & Jessie Middleton, of 246 Thornhill Road, Falkirk. Brought up by Mr & Mrs David Murdoch of Braehead
99005 Private Andrew Sharp
22nd Company Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
Age 27
Husband of Janet Sharp & they had one child. Son of John Gibb Sharp & Jamima Sharp of Bo'ness
Bedfordshire Regiment Panel 48 to 50
12951 Private Andrew Wood
1st Battalion Bedfordshire Reg
Devonshire Regiment Panel 38 to 40
12577 Private James Irving
8th Battalion Devonshire Regiment
Age 36
Son of Jessie Irving 11 Wallace Street, Falkirk
Lancashire Fusiliers Panel 54 to 60
32559 L/Cpl Alex Monfries
15th Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers
London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers) Panel 148 to 150
248025 Private William Balfour
2/2nd Battalion London Reg (Royal Fusiliers)
North Staffordshire Regiment Panel 124 to 125
34899 L/Cpl James Morrison
8th Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment
Age 20
Son of John F & Isabella Grant Morrison, 1 Bo'ness Road
Queens Own (Royal West Kent Reg) Panel 106 to 108
G/16351 Private John Buchanan
10th Battalion Queens Own (Royal West Kent Reg)
Royal Dublin Fusiliers Panel 144 to 145
23877 Private Peter Drummond
1st Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers
Brother of William Drummond, 32 Grange Street, Grangemouth
Royal Irish Fusiliers Panel 140 to 141
24137 Private Joseph Patrick Henley
7/8th Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers
Royal Warwickshire Regiment Panel 23 to 28
241893 L/Cpl James Cameron
2/6th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Age 21
Son of James Cameron, 91 Main Street
Welsh Regiment Panel 93 to 94
60526 Private David Meldrum Langlands
16th Battalion Welsh Regiment
Age 19
Son of James & Emily Langlands, 9 Rae Street
RNVR, RN Division Panel 2 to 3
Clyde Z/5020 Able Seaman James Kerr
1st Drake Battalion
Age 25
Son of William & Agnes McArthur, 17 Hamilton Street
Clyde Z/4024 Able Seaman Jeffrey McLay
Nelson Battalion
Age 19
Son of Mr & Mrs William McLay, 49 Hamilton Street
Clyde Z/5000 Able Seaman John Montgomery Ferguson
Howe Battalion
Son of Robert Fergusson, Broomhill House
R/2155 Able Seaman Harry James Kerr
Howe Battalion
Age 19
Son of Andrew Rae Kerr & Mary Kerr, 27 Forth Street
RAMC Panel 160
44715 Private Andrew McKerracher
35th Field Ambulance RAMC
Age 22
Son of Malcolm & Marion Cockburn Kerracher, 79 Grahams Rd, Falkirk
Royal Garrison Artillery Panel 6 to 7
307656 Gunner Alexander Nicolson
Age 23
182nd Siege Battery Royal Garrison Artillery
Son of John & Euphemia Nicolson, 84 Forth Street
Royal Field Artillery Panel 4 to 6
661195 Gunner James Ralph
'B' Battery, 50th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery
Age 25
Son of Mr & Mrs John S Ralph, 17 Wallace Street
Links to the area
114536 Private Charles Bell Craig
49th Battalion Machine Gun Corps (Infantry)
Age 29
Panel 154 to159
Son of John & the late Isabella Craig, 5 Shaw Cottages, Carnock, Cowie, Bannockburn & brother of George & Alex
375043 Private John Mulholland
11th Battalion Royal Scots
Age 31
Panel 11 to 14
Husband of Rebecca Rodgers Mulholland, they had four children & lived in the miners cottages in East Whitburn
UK – 8961
Australian – 1368
New Zealand – 520
Canadian – 1011
New Foundland – 14
South African – 90
British West Indies – 2
Guernsey – 6
German – 4
Unnamed – (70% of total) 8366
There are Special Memorials to thirty-eight British, twenty-seven Canadian, fifteen Australian soldiers and a New Zealander believed/known to be buried among the unnamed.
There are Special Memorials to sixteen British and four Canadian men buried in other cemeteries but whose graves have been lost.